Supportive Solutions, LLC Training Policy

*Please thoroughly review these policies and procedures and seek clarification for any areas you are not clear about as you will be expected to adhere to each policy as an agreement in participating in Supportive Solutions, LLC trainings.*


Safety is a basic and necessary requirement for learning. It is the responsibility of the Trainer and Assistant/s to establish and maintain a feeling of safety within the group at all times.

The Training team believes that participants are professionals with mature levels of interpersonal competency, effective communication skills, a working knowledge of counseling frameworks, and sufficient self-regulation skills to manage their own needs while attending the course.

  • The safety of all trainers, assisting staff and participants is paramount at all times.
  • Any abuse, discrimination, violation of confidentiality, rudeness or disrespect for any reason of anyone in the training by a participant is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
    • If a participant at a training event is not able to: manage and regulate themselves adequately or they pose excessive distraction; are rude or otherwise disrespectful to the trainer, or any other participant; or are preventing the trainer adequately teaching the course because of their behavior, Supportive Solutions,LLC reserves the right to immediately ask the participant to leave and forfeit the right to participate in the remainder of the training.
    • If a participant is dysregulated or having personal emotional difficulty and in need of support, the identified emergency contact will be called. In the event they are not reached or able to assist, the training staff may call emergency services as necessary and provide location of participant. This information was provided by the participant during the registration process.

2. Confidentiality of any Client Examples or Stories Shared

Supportive Solutions, LLC respectfully requests that any content shared during this training for professional learning that involves the use of someone’s personal story or experience be held with the highest standard of confidentiality.  Participants in demonstrations, those who gave permission to have their stories shared, or any other sensitive information are for training purposes and to promote excellence in treating others in our respective fields.  Whenever possible, information will be de-identified and de-personalized, some information may be changed to protect identity (such as sex, age, specific places) the facts of the situation itself will remain unchanged.

3. Proper Citation of Material

If you share handouts, set-ups, or other training materials or information with those who did not participate in this training, you agree to give proper citation and credit to any of the material, both original and cited during the training.  

4. You also understand the following about specialty training:

“Each training which has been developed using BSP in a specialized area of practice has required the trainer to put in hundreds of hours of preparation to bring it to this international community.  That includes consultation with others who have developed BSP training, drafts, edits, and re-edits.  Further hundreds, or perhaps thousands of hours studying not only Brainspotting for many years, but other areas of specialization, purchasing and reading dozens or articles and books, attending conferences, paying for consultation with experts in the field the BSP training covers.  

Becoming a true expert in a chosen field, and then creating a way to integrate all that knowledge and add Brainspotting.  Many hours using the work with clients over time refining and developing it.  Explaining the neuroscience of the set-up, why we are doing it, all the context plus dozens or hundreds of hours perfecting the powerpoint, and finding/buying appropriate images to accompany the text.  

I know that for my training(s) if people just learn the set ups they often don’t understand the neuroscience behind it, and don’t always use it the way it was designed.” -Dr. Roby Abeles

5. Agreement to NOT record training

You agree to not record any portion of the training in any form.

6. You also understand and agree to the following Anti-Racist, Anti-Oppression in   all forms statement:

Supportive Solutions, LLC affirms its commitment to recognizing, addressing and eradicating all forms of racism, ethnic oppression, religious intolerance, negative judgments regarding neurodivergence or ableism, sexual or gender discrimination, and any mistreatment of marginalized communities.

We focus on engaging and collaborating in teaching, service and scholarship that challenge oppressive and unjust mistreatment wherever it occurs.

We acknowledge that regardless of one’s own race, ethnicity, or background, individuals are at various points along an anti-racist and ‘just world’ journey.

We also understand that bias can be unconscious or unintentional and that racism specifically is the combination of social and institutional power plus racial prejudice.

As an organization striving for an anti-racist and an ethnically unbiased work space, and our goal of developing a warm and welcoming inclusive community, we will purposefully strive to create a safe space for all people, and have zero tolerance for any mistreatment or discomfort caused to any participant in our training program based on racial, religious, ethnic, neurodivergent, ableism, gender, or any other bias.

Thank you for upholding these values during this training and any experience involving Supportive Solutions, LLC.

7. Agreement to attend scheduled dates and times

You understand that you are responsible for attending the scheduled dates and times of the training and to receive Continuing Education, you must be present for the entire live version of the training.  

8. Refund policy 

A full refund will be up to 7 calendar days prior to the training start date less a 50.00 administrative fee. No refunds 6 calendar days or less before the training

9. Scope of Training and Practice

It is asked, during all times of the training, that participants only use Brainspotting or any other skills taught within their existing scope of practice and training.

10. Experiential Practice Sessions

BSP training courses include experiential exercises. Your participation in these training exercises will help you appreciate the unique power and effectiveness of Brainspotting from both the client and therapist chairs.

During practice sessions, those of you in the “client chair” will be using your real issues.

  • We rely on you to take care of your own safety by taking up the option to “pass” at any point on any individual or group activity or demonstration that you are not comfortable with, and to practice appropriate self-disclosure at a level that is right for you.
  • Although the dyads can be a powerful experience, they are not intended to be used as personal therapy.  Any therapeutic shifts are considered value added to the process and the intention is to learn how to use a set up or engage in the process as both the therapist role and client role.  

11.Personal Therapy & Clinical Supervision 

It is strongly encouraged that participants have regular supervision and ready access to therapeutic support if they need it after the training for processing personal matters that may arise during  the course training exercises.

  • Inevitably, when we are working with the subcortical brain, old issues may emerge to be healed. If this is the case, it is the participants responsibility to avail themselves of therapeutic support after the training finishes.

Please speak to the trainer if any personal issues brought up during the class become a difficulty.

12. BSP Training Format

In alignment with all International BSP Training, there is a combination of:

  • Lecture with Powerpoint Slides
  • Live Demonstrations with trainer and a trainee to highlight the teaching points in lectures
  • Practice of those points and “Set Ups” in pairs, using real and emotionally manageable issues (not role play)
  • Debrief, comments and questions
  • BSP courses are not offered as a time for detailed academic debate about any topics covered in the course.

13. BSP Live Demonstrations

Live demonstrations are used to highlight the teaching points you learn during the lecture and powerpoint. Demos are not a full therapy session.

14. Confidentiality at all times

As we are a professional group, we ask everyone to maintain the confidentiality and privacy of ALL material shared by ALL participants throughout the workshop.

  • During debriefing time, we ask you to limit your questions and comments to your own process as the client and as the therapist.
  • Please respect the confidentiality of your practice partner’s confidential sharing during debriefing sessions and all other times in and out of the training.

15. Volunteering to be “the client” during live demonstrations

  • There may be some opportunities to volunteer to be in the “role of client” other times actual clients may be used for demonstrations
  • If you are chosen to participate in a live demo or during a practice session with your colleagues, we ask that you choose an issue or event that you consider has no greater activation for you on that day than a 5 or 6 (on a scale of 10).
  • If more than one person volunteers to be in the role of the client in the live demo, we will choose the person with the issue which will allow us to highlight the points just taught.